Dehancer Pro OFX是一款专业的视频后期处理插件,旨在为视频编辑人员提供高质量的图像调整和颜色分级功能。该插件适用于各种视频编辑软件,如DaVinci Resolve、Adobe Premiere Pro等。
以下是Dehancer Pro OFX插件的一些主要特点和功能:
1. 色彩分级:插件提供了丰富的调色工具,使用户能够对视频进行精确的色彩分级和调整。您可以根据需要调整亮度、对比度、色调、饱和度等参数,创建出独特的色彩风格。
2. 电影模拟:插件内置了多种电影胶片模拟效果,可以模拟出不同胶片类型的质感和色彩特点,帮助用户给视频添加出色的电影风格。
3. 纹理和噪点:插件提供了纹理和噪点效果,可以为视频添加细腻的纹理和真实的噪点,增强影像的质感和真实感。
4. 曲线调整:插件支持曲线调整,使用户可以对不同色相、亮度和饱和度范围进行精确的调整,实现更精细的图像处理。
5. HDR支持:插件支持HDR(高动态范围)视频处理,可以实现更广泛的色彩范围和更高的细节保留。
6. 快速渲染:插件具有高效的渲染引擎,可以在实时预览中快速呈现调整的效果,提高工作效率。
总体而言,Dehancer Pro OFX是一款功能强大的视频后期处理插件,为视频编辑人员提供了丰富的图像调整和颜色分级工具。无论是为视频添加电影风格、调整色彩效果还是增强影像的真实感,该插件都能提供出色的处理效果。
File size: 46 MB
Dehancer is the OFX plugin suite for film-like color grading and film effects in DaVinci Resolve. Dozens of real photographic and motion picture films with truly analogue controls. Film Grain, Bloom and Halation effects to complete the look. Complete native support of ACES pipeline. Based on 30-years of film shooting and darkroom experience combined with scientific approach, nonlinear image processing, and… a bit of alchemy, of course.
Tools that turn stone into a gem
Film Profiles
Dozens of photographic and movie films, updated in one click inside the plugin. Full range of current Kodak Vision 3 negative movie films + Eastman Double X 5222.
Film Grain
Realistic Film Grain simulation with adjustable size, amount and impact (with separate controls in shadows, midtones and highlights).
Bloom Effect
Bloom effect with flexible controls brings misty glow and soft, vintage feel, turning lifeless digital picture into a piece of art.
Halation Effect
Halation film emulsion effect, visible as a subtle red glow around bright light sources, specular highlights and contrasting edges.
Hardware requirements
PC with Nvidia GPU
CUDA only
External and multi-GPU are supported (CUDA only)
GPU memory consumption
FullHD video – 4GB minimum / 8GB recommended
4K video – 8GB / 12GB
6K video – 12GB / 16GB
8K video – 16GB / 24GB
Software compatibility
Windows 10 64 bit (genuine licensed installation is required)
DaVinci Resolve 16 and 17