
视频教程:明日课堂:AI与ChatGPT的应用 (英文)


**作者:**Stuart Wesselby
**格式:**MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 音频:AAC,44.1千赫,2声道
**类型:**电子学习 | 语言:英语 | 时长:49讲座(4小时13分钟)| 大小:2.65 GB



  • 理解AI的基础知识及其在教育中的应用
  • 探索将AI整合到教育中的益处和挑战
  • 了解ChatGPT在教学中的能力和局限性
  • 发现创新的AI驱动的教学方法和工具
  • 设计有效的AI整合学习体验
  • 解决教育中的道德考虑和负责任的AI使用


  • 你不需要任何使用AI或AI工具进行教学的先前经验。

描述: 欢迎来到“明日课堂:使用AI和ChatGPT”!这门全面的Udemy课程是为渴望利用AI和像ChatGPT这样的AI工具改变其教学方法并增强课堂活动的教师和教育工作者设计的。在本课程中,您将踏上一段激动人心的旅程,探索AI在革新教育方面的广阔可能性。您将学习如何有效地将AI技术整合到您的教学实践中,使您能够为学生创造引人入胜和个性化的学习体验。有很多AI工具可以使用,您将在本课程中了解它们是什么以及如何将它们应用到您的教学实践中,为您节省时间和精力。在一位专业的教育教练的指导下,您将深入了解AI的基础知识,并探索CutGPT,一种先进的语言模型的能力。您将发现如何利用ChatGPT自动执行行政任务、生成互动式教案,并向学生提供即时反馈。通过掌握这些技能,您不仅将节省宝贵的时间,还将增强您的工作与生活的平衡,使您能够更专注于最重要的事情——您的学生的成长和学习。在整个课程中,您将获得实用演示、动手练习和现实世界的示例,确保您深入了解如何将AI和ChatGPT无缝整合到您的教学工具中。您还将有机会与志同道合的教育工作者社区联系,分享见解、策略和最佳实践,最大限度地发挥AI在课堂中的好处。通过“明日课堂:使用AI和ChatGPT”,您将具备将教学提升到新高度所需的知识和技能。拥抱教育的未来,解锁AI的全部潜力,为您的学生创造一个更高效、更引人入胜和更个性化的学习环境。现在就加入我们,通过AI的力量塑造教育的未来!

Classroom of Tomorrow: Using AI and ChatGPT

Published 4/2024
Created by Stuart Wesselby
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 49 Lectures ( 4h 13m ) | Size: 2.65 GB

Teaching Transformed: Leveraging AI and ChatGPT in the Classroom

What you’ll learn:
Understand the basics of AI and its applications in education
Explore the benefits and challenges of integrating AI in education
Learn about the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in teaching
Discover innovative AI-powered teaching methods and tools
Design effective AI-integrated learning experiences
Address ethical considerations and responsible AI use in education

You do not need any prior experience of using AI or AI tools in your teaching.

Welcome to “Classroom of Tomorrow: Using AI and ChatGPT”! This comprehensive Udemy course is designed for teachers and educators eager to harness the power of AI and AI tools like ChatGPT to transform their teaching methods and enhance classroom activities.In this course, you will embark on an exciting journey to explore AI’s vast possibilities to revolutionize education. You will learn how to effectively integrate AI technologies into your teaching practices, empowering you to create engaging and personalized learning experiences for your students.There are plenty of AI tools out there and you will learn in this course what they are and how to apply them to your teaching practice, saving you time and effort.With the guidance of an expert education instructor, you will dive into the foundations of AI and explore the capabilities of ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model. You will discover how to leverage ChatGPT to automate administrative tasks, generate interactive lesson plans, and provide instant feedback to students. By mastering these skills, you will not only save valuable time but also enhance your work-life balance, allowing you to focus more on what matters most – your students’ growth and learning.Throughout the course, you will have access to practical demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and real-world examples, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of how AI and ChatGPT can be seamlessly integrated into your teaching toolkit. You will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded educators, sharing insights, strategies, and best practices to maximize the benefits of AI in the classroom.By the end of “Classroom of Tomorrow: Using AI and ChatGPT,” you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to elevate your teaching to new heights. Embrace the future of education and unlock the full potential of AI to create a more efficient, engaging, and personalized learning environment for your students.Enroll now and join us in shaping the future of education through the power of AI!




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