KONTAKT – 26.98 GB
这套精挑细选的声音彰显了Albion系列的力量与多样性,捕捉了每一代音色库的精髓——从细腻的连奏和情感绵延音,到充满力量的断奏与雷霆万钧的打击乐。集合了Albion ONE的宏大史诗感、Albion Loegria弦乐的丰富质感、Albion Iceni震撼的低频表现、Tundra的冰雪美学以及NEO的细腻细节,这套多功能音色合集是你描绘鲜活声景、实现音乐愿景的利器。
精选内容包含Albion ONE弦乐的完整动态范围,以及Iceni和Tundra兼具空灵高音与浑厚低音的演奏(含Soft Wild音色补丁)。从细腻织体到雷霆之势,助你打造令人难忘的弦乐篇章。
这里展现了Albion NEO的精微细节与Loegria的感性美,以超凡解析力和表现力捕捉小型弦乐团的亲密感。
运用Albion ONE全套铜管音色、Tundra的庄严之声与Iceni的巨型低频,打造恢弘的电影级铜管组。从英雄号角到慑人心魄的织体,助你创作充满力量与情感的铜管编曲。
通过Albion NEO铜管的集中表现力——配备长短两种极致断奏演奏法——实现更具细腻层次感的铜管配乐创作。
融合Albion ONE木管的飞扬旋律、Tundra的迷离织体与Iceni的深邃低音,这套选集提供多样化的木管音色调色板。
Albion NEO小型乐团音色赋予细腻木管段落以温暖质感、亲密感与微妙层次。
释放Tundra与Iceni中达尔文打击乐的雷霆之力,Albion ONE的XXL打击乐与经典镲/锣的电影级冲击力,以及Loegria精密鼓组的细腻表现。这套多元合集为任何配乐项目奠定律动基石。
我们从各代Albion音色库中精选出连奏乐器调色板:从Albion NEO木管与铜管的静谧私密音色,到Albion ONE高音域翱翔的弦乐,乃至Iceni低沉大提琴群的厚重浓郁织体。这些连奏音色助你实现自然流畅的音符过渡,创作浑然天成的真实旋律。
系统要求: 需完整版Kontakt或Kontakt Player v7.5.2及以上版本!
喷火音频阿尔比恩管弦精选1.0.5 KONTAKT音频
KONTAKT – 26,98 GB
Hand-picked highlights from across our flagship Albion range
The Albions Orchestral Selects is a carefully curated collection of orchestral ensembles, bringing together the most evocative and inspiring instruments from across the renowned Albion series. This unique anthology offers a diverse palette of orchestral sounds, hand-picked from each Albion library, that let the individual character of the orchestra shine and that provide composers with a wide range of expressive possibilities.
A testament to the power and versatility of the Albion series, this tailored selection of sounds captures the essence of each library, from delicate legatos and emotive sustains to powerful staccatos and thunderous percussion. Incorporating the epic scale of Albion ONE, the rich textures of Albion Loegria’s strings, the colossal low end of Albion Iceni, the icy beauty of Tundra and the intimate detail of NEO, this versatile collection provides the tools you need to paint vivid sonic landscapes and bring your musical vision to life.
Soundscapes from across the Albions
This exceptional collection draws from six distinct Albion libraries – ONE, Legacy, Loegria, Iceni, Tundra and NEO – offering a curated selection of sounds designed to blend seamlessly into any scoring project.
Epic Strings
Selections include the full dynamic range of Albion ONE’s strings, the soaring highs and powerful lows of Iceni and Tundra, including Soft Wild patches. From delicate textures to thunderous power, you’ll have everything you need to create truly unforgettable string passages.
Intimate Strings
Here the nuanced detail of Albion NEO and the emotive beauty of Loegria are showcased, capturing the intimacy of smaller string ensembles with exceptional clarity and expression.
Epic Brass
Create enormous cinematic brass sections with patches from Albion ONE’s full brass range, the majesty Tundra, and the colossal low-end of Iceni. From heroic fanfares to awe-inspiring textures, you’ll have the tools to create brass arrangements that resonate with power and emotion.
Intimate Brass
A more intimate and nuanced approach to brass scoring is achieved through the focused intensity of Albion NEO’s brass, with long and short stacatissimo articulations.
Epic Woodwinds
Harnessing the soaring melodies of Albion ONE’s woodwinds, the haunting textures of Tundra, and the rich depths of Iceni, this selection provides a wide range of woodwind colours and textures.
Intimate Woodwinds
The detail of Albion NEO’s smaller ensemble provides warmth, intimacy and nuance for delicate woodwinds passages.
Unleash the thunderous power of Darwin Percussion from Tundra and Iceni, the cinematic impact of Albion ONE’s XXL Percussion and Legacy Cymbals & Gongs, and the nuanced detail of Loegria’s Fine Drums. This diverse collection provides a rhythmic foundation for any scoring project.
Albion Legatos
We have hand-picked a palette of legato instruments from across the Albion libraries. From the quiet, intimate tones of Albion NEO’s woodwinds and brass, to high-octave, soaring strings from Albion ONE, or the thick, luscious textures of the low Celli from Iceni, the legatos give you the natural, flowing transitions you need to craft melodies that sound connected and real.
Requirements: Kontakt FULL or Kontakt Player v7.5.2 or higher!
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