KONTAKT 音源库 – 7.77 GB
源自地心熔岩般的炽热能量,为您带来适用于金属与摇滚的顶尖虚拟八弦电吉他音源库。Evolution Dracus 囊括多样演奏技法与细节表现,无论是史诗级的速弹主奏还是四重录制的巨型节奏声墙皆游刃有余。音源采样范围突破常规六弦吉他极限,覆盖从高频穿透尖啸到低频轰鸣咆哮的全音域震撼表现。
其搭载强大的效果引擎,内置多款虚拟单块效果器、机架效果器、箱头与箱体模拟。配备丰富厂牌预制音色,可一键调用通透清音、颗粒感过载与高增益失真等经典音色。17GB 采样体积包含超15,000个采样,全面呈现闷音演奏、点奏泛音、击板奏法、击勾弦连奏、滑音、制音切分、刮弦等数十种演奏技法。
– 支持最多四轨同步录制
– 独创物理建模技术实现可调节拨片触弦位置
– 多样化颤音形态:从传统颤音到可调深度/速率的金属摇滚式颤音,支持MIDI控制信号或触后响应
– 智能映射系统可通过力度区间、MIDI信号、开关式键位切换等多重条件自定义技法触发规则
– 内建扫弦模式编辑器,还原真实扫弦律动
– 超15,000个24-bit/48kHz高清采样
– 包含长音、半掌闷音、全掌闷音、哑音、啸叫、点弦、自然泛音以及切分扫弦、刮擦音、拍弦等特殊效果
– MIDI技法库内置上/下装饰音、蜂鸣颤音、全音阶滑音、击弦滑音(速度同步/力度响应)、八度音程与强力和弦触发指令
– 滑音、击弦与勾弦连奏专属采样
– 所有技法包含3层动态表现与4轮循随机采样
– 独立拾音器信号输出,支持双拾音器混合调节
需配合NI Kontakt Player v5.5.2及以上版本运行!
橙树采样 进化德拉库斯 v1.2.5 KONTAKT音源
Hailing from the fiery core of the earth comes the hottest virtual 8 string guitar library for metal and rock. Evolution Dracus covers a wide variety of techniques and articulations, whether it’s epic shredding leads or gigantic quadruple-tracked rhythm tracks. The sample library boasts an expansive note range, from piercing shrieks in the highest register to monstrous growls emanating far below a standard 6 string guitar’s capabilities.
Evolution Dracus’s robust effects engine features a myriad of virtual stompboxes, rack effects, amps, and guitar cabinets to select from. The library also includes a ton of factory presets for instantly usable clean, crunchy, and distorted tones. With 17 GB of sample content and well over 15,000 samples, this powerhouse electric guitar sample library covers palm mutes, pinch harmonics, tapping, legato articulations like hammer-ons and pull-offs, slides, muted chugs, string scrapes, and much more.
Key 资源特色
– Multitracking up to quadruple tracking.
– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
– Various vibrato styles, from classic vibrato to rock and metal vibrato with adjustable depth/speed. Vibrato can be assigned to MIDI CCs or aftertouch.
– Powerful mapping system that lets you set how you want to trigger articulations, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
– Built-in strum pattern editor for authentic guitar strumming.
Sampling Specifications
– Over 15,000 samples, recorded in 24-bit, 48khz.
– Articulations such as sustains, half palm mutes, full palm mutes, mutes, squeals, tapping, natural harmonics, plus special effects such as chugs, scratches, string slaps, and much more.
– MIDI articulations for instant upward/downward grace notes, buzz trills, whole-step slides, whole-step hammer-ons, slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced), octaves, and powerchords.
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics and 4x round-robin.
– Separate pickup signals for controllable pickup blend.
Works with NI Kontakt Player v5.5.2 and higher!
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