我们荣幸推出 Evolution Jumbo 12——这是备受期待的 Evolution 吉他系列12弦原声扩展音色库,采样自泰勒355型吉他。这款吉他高频柔滑,中低频浑厚饱满,其丰沛的箱体共鸣得益于大尺寸琴体设计。在混音中突出使用时,Evolution Jumbo 12凭借清亮通透的音色能穿透混音层。以羽毛般轻柔的力度演奏时,可为编曲增添精致的光泽感。
本音色库与犹他州殿堂级录音机构玫瑰木录音公司联合开发。其主理人兼录音工程师盖伊·兰德尔运用模拟音频设备,精妙勾勒并强化了吉他的丰富音色特质。Evolution Jumbo 12包含原始录音信号与增强信号两种模式。尽管增强信号最能体现我们对原声吉他音色的构思,但原始信号仍为您保留灵活的调节空间。
Evolution Jumbo 12搭载标志性的 Evolution 吉他引擎,具备多项前瞻功能:创新型扫弦模式编辑器、智能和弦识别系统、强力效果引擎。内置多组预制参数,即时呈现经典与现代风格的12弦原声吉他音色,完美融入各类混音场景。
– 内置效果引擎,一键获取标准12弦原声音色
– 通过独家物理建模技术实现可调拨片位置
– 智能映射系统支持基于力度区间、MIDI CC控制器、锁定/非锁定切换键等条件触发发音法
– 最高支持四轨同步录制
– 11.9 GB 原始容量(采用无损NCW格式压缩至4.76 GB),24位深度采样
– 包含延音、掌闷音、哑音、自然泛音及击弦、敲击琴体等特殊效果
– 支持MIDI发音法实现瞬态八度音、装饰音、蜂鸣颤音、全音滑奏与击弦
– 连奏采样涵盖滑音、击弦与勾弦技法
– 所有发音法具备3动态层与4次循环轮询
兼容NI Kontakt Player v5.7.0及以上版本!
橙树采样进化巨霸12 v1.2.5 KONTAKT
We are pleased to present Evolution Jumbo 12, the long awaited 12-string acoustic addition to our Evolution guitar series, recorded from a Taylor 355. This guitar sports a silky high end, yet an ample amount of body in the lows and mids–undoubtedly the result of it being a larger sized guitar. Mixed prominently, Evolution Jumbo 12 can cut through the mix with its crisp, bright tone. Played at a feathery-soft dynamic, it adds an exquisite shimmer to your arrangement.
We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of Utah’s most venerable recording studios. Guy Randle, the owner and recording engineer at Rosewood Recording Company, incorporated analog audio equipment to skillfully sculpt and emphasize the rich tonal qualities of the guitar. Evolution Jumbo 12 includes both the as-recorded signal as well as an enhanced signal. Although we feel that the latter option best represents our vision for the sound of the acoustic guitar, the unprocessed signal is also at your disposal for additional flexibility.
For the sampling session, Guy Randle worked with Ryan Tilby, a versatile multi-instrumentalist who has performed at countless music festivals and toured Europe multiple times. His compositions have been featured on the Discovery Channel, Outdoor Photo Adventures, and other prominent TV shows. Ryan Tilby also offers remote recording services for clients around the world in need of guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin, and ukulele tracks.
Evolution Jumbo 12 is outfitted with our Evolution guitar engine which provides you with a wealth of appointments: an innovative strumming pattern editor, automatic chord detection, and a robust effects engine. The library includes many factory presets for ready-to-use classic and modern 12-string acoustic guitar tones that fit right into the mix.
Key 资源特色
– Built-in effects engine for instantly-usable 12-string acoustic guitar tones.
– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
– Powerful mapping system that lets you set how you want to trigger articulations, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
– Multitracking up to quadruple tracking.
Sampling Specifications
– 11.9 GB (compressed to 4.76 GB using the lossless NCW audio format) of 24-bit samples.
– Articulations such as sustains, palm mutes, mutes, natural harmonics, plus special effects like string slaps, guitar body hits, and more.
– MIDI articulations for instant octaves, grace notes, buzz trills, whole-step slides, whole-step hammer-ons, and slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced).
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics and 4x round-robin.
Works with NI Kontakt Player v5.7.0 and higher!
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