Evolution Vintage Violin Bass 以我们「进化系列」一贯的采样精度,捕捉了这一备受追捧的传奇音色。音色库涵盖拨片与指弹技法,包含开放弦与半制音演奏变体,并提供多种发音法控制。我们分轨录制了琴颈与琴桥拾音器信号,让您能自由调配双拾音器混合比例,拓展音色可塑性。琴颈拾音器展现温暖浑厚的低频,琴桥拾音器则强化明亮清晰的声线轮廓。
本音色库开发过程中,我们联合犹他州殿堂级录音棚Rosewood Recording Company合作完成。主理人兼录音工程师Guy Randle运用模拟音频设备精心雕琢贝斯丰润音质。您可以选择原始录音信号,或启用增强信号模式。
– 内置效果器引擎,即时渲染成品级贝斯音色
– 专利物理建模技术支持可变拨片位置调节
– 智能映射系统支持通过力度分层、MIDI控制码、锁定/非锁定键位切换等条件触发不同发音法
– 11.7 GB原始采样(采用无损NCW格式压缩至5.8 GB),24-bit位深
– 囊括延音/掌闷音/哑音/自然泛音等技法,拨片与指弹变体兼备,另含击弦/俯冲轰炸/品丝噪音等演奏效果
– MIDI自动化发音法包含:瞬发八度、装饰音、蜂鸣颤音、全音阶滑音、全音击勾弦、动态/速度同步滑音
– 滑奏/击弦/勾弦连奏采样
– 所有发音法具有3层动态响应与4循环轮换采样
需NI Kontakt Player v5.7.0或更高版本运行!
橙树采样演进经典小提琴贝斯v1.2.5 KONTAKT
Who knew that a short scale, violin-shaped electric bass would become the foundational bass tone for a majority of the Beatles’ catalog? With its snappy attack and mellow sustain, this little bass delivers all the low frequency content you need for the backbone of your music as well as the rich-sounding sustain necessary for melodic, memorable bass lines. Speaking of melodic, there’s also a slight “bloom” to its sustain, probably due to its hollow construction rather than having a solid body like most electric basses. Even though it’s unquestionably an electric bass, this characteristic lends a subtle acoustic-like quality to the shape of the notes.
Evolution Vintage Violin Bass captures this highly coveted sound with the usual high level of detail you’ve come to expect from our Evolution series. The library covers both picked as well as fingerstyle playing, with open and partially muted combinations of both, among other articulations. We recorded the neck and bridge pickup signals separately, giving you control over their blend for an additional dimension of tonal flexibility. The neck pickup delivers a warm, fat low end, while the bridge pickup adds brightness and definition.
We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of Utah’s most venerable recording studios. Guy Randle, the owner and recording engineer at Rosewood Recording Company, incorporated analog audio equipment to skillfully sculpt and emphasize the rich tonal qualities of the bass. Evolution Vintage Violin Bass includes both the as-recorded signal as well as an enhanced signal.
Evolution Vintage Violin Bass is based on our Evolution engine, which provides you with a wealth of appointments: a flexible mapping system, customization over the instrument’s settings and playability, and a comprehensive collection of built-in effects for adding the final polish to the bass tone. If you’ve used any of our guitar or bass libraries that use the Evolution engine, its interface and workflow will be very familiar to you.
The library includes many ready-to-use factory presets for a variety of bass tones, many of which take inspiration from the classics that originally made the bass famous.
Key 资源特色
– Built-in effects engine for instantly-usable bass tones.
– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
– Powerful mapping system that lets you set how you want to trigger articulations, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
Sampling Specifications
– 11.7 GB (compressed to 5.8 GB using the lossless NCW audio format) of 24-bit samples.
– Articulations such as sustains, palm mutes, mutes, and natural harmonics, all available in picked and fingerstyle variations, as well as performance effects like string slaps, divebombs, fret noises, and much more.
– MIDI articulations for instant octaves, grace notes, buzz trills, whole-step slides, whole-step hammer-ons, and slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced).
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics and 4x round-robin.
Works with NI Kontakt Player v5.7.0 and higher!
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