Pathwave EM Design (EMPro) 是一个 3D 建模和仿真环境,用于分析高速和射频/微波的 3D 电磁 (EM) 效应。
Keysight PathWave EMPro 是一个三维建模与仿真环境,可用于分析高速和射频/微波元器件的三维电磁效应。EMPro 可以与 ADS 进行联合仿真,在制作物理原型之前,通过电磁(EM)仿真进行深入分析, 利用电路仿真实施综合电磁分析。
运行电磁仿真可能需要几个小时的时间。 通过将电磁仿真软件与 PathWave 电路设计软件相集成,可以缩短导入与导出时间。 将电磁分析与电路仿真相集成,最大限度提高效率。
EMPro 提供以下主要功能:
EMPro 可以灵活绘制任意三维结构以及非常方便的导入现有 CAD 文件。您可以创建三 维结构,添加材料属性,设置仿真,然后查看结果。上述步骤都可以在 EMPro 环境中完成。
使用和 ADS中相同算法引擎的 FEM 仿真器可以在 EMPro 中分析三维结构。FEM 是一种 在射频/微波应用中广泛使用的频域技术。对于天线仿真等电大尺寸问题以及信号完整性分析,则可以使用时域有限差分 (FDTD) 仿真器。
参数化三维元器件可以在 EMPro 中创建,并放置到 ADS 的版图设计中。然后,可以使用 FEM 仿真器来仿真二维版图与三维元器件组合后的响应。
如何安装 Keysight PathWave EMPro 2023
得益于新的破解工具,EMPro 的安装和破解变得非常简单,正常安装完 EMPro 主程序,在最后出现的License 选择向导对话框时直接点“退出”
在退出杀毒软件的情况下,启动网盘内的 PathWaveWindowsPatcher v1.3 程序。
先点击 1. Start License这个按钮
然后 2. Select Folder 选择 Keysight PathWave EMPro 2023 安装后的目录路径
最后,点击 3. Patch Program 等待完成即可。
PathWave EM Design (EMPro) 2023 Update 0.1 | 5.0 Gb
The Keysight Technologies Inc. development team is pleased to announce the availability of PathWave EM Design (EmPro) 2023 Update 0.1. This update addresses several bugs in for PathWave EM Design.
PathWave EM Design 2023 Update 0.1 Release notes
The PathWave EM Design (EMPro) 2023 Update 0.1 release includes the following bug fixes. It is also the recommended release to be used in conjunction with ADS 2023 Update 2.
Issues Fixed
– Imported CAD files are removed from the empro folder when the associated part is deleted from the GUI.
– An additional symbol view with 1 pin per port facilitates the circuit excitation flow.
– Documented the capability for field visualization with circuit excitation.
– Improved behavior of the field visualization view controls for small display sizes.
Keysight’s PathWave, an open, scalable, and predictive software platform, offers fast and efficient data processing, sharing and analysis at every stage in the product development workflow. Combining design software, instrument control and application-specific test software, it enables engineers to address increasing design, test, and measurement complexity and develop optimal electronic products.
Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) is a 3D modeling and simulation environment for analyzing the 3D electromagnetic (EM) effects of high-speed and RF/microwave components. EMPro features a modern design, simulation and analysis environment, high capacity time- and frequency-domain simulation technologies and integration with ADS, the industry’s leading RF/microwave and high-speed design environment.
PathWave EM Design 2023 aligns the FEM engine with PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) 2023. It includes various usability fixes, the possibility to handle meta materials and also to use S-Parameters to deal with frequency dependent loads.
Keysight Technologies Inc. is the world’s leading electronic measurement company, transforming today’s measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. With its HP and Agilent legacy, Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace and defense and semiconductor markets with world-class platforms, software and consistent measurement science.
Owner: Keysight Technologies Inc.
Product Name: PathWave EM Design (EMPro)
Version: 2023 Update 0.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows & Linux *
Size: 5.0 Gb
Note: PathWave EM Design 2023 Update 0.1 release comes with a full installer.
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