
TOGAF 9.2 全面培训:掌握企业架构视频教程 (英文)

TOGAF 9.2 全面培训:掌握企业架构

发布日期:2024年5月 创建者:Anand Mishra MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道 类型:电子学习 | 语言:英语 | 时长:47讲(3小时47分钟) | 大小:1.11 GB

学习有关 TOGAF 9.2 标准,并为认证 Level 1 Foundation 做准备。

你将学到什么: 理解 TOGAF 标准和框架 精通架构开发方法(ADM) 企业架构的战略实施 为 TOGAF 认证做准备 架构框架的治理与管理

需求: 一些在企业层面解决问题的经验,尽管不需要熟悉 TOGAF

描述: 欢迎来到 TOGAF 9.2 全面培训,这是专业人士在企业架构领域取得卓越成就的权威课程。无论您是想通过 TOGAF 认证考试还是将 TOGAF 标准整合到您的企业解决方案中,本课程旨在为您提供深入的理解和必不可少的实际技能,以适应当今快节奏的商业环境。

课程的关键特点: 专家讲座:从在企业架构领域具有实际经验的行业专家那里学习。 互动和引人入胜的内容:高质量的视频、真实案例研究和互动测验,确保深入且引人入胜的学习体验。 全面覆盖:广泛的材料涵盖了 TOGAF 9.2 的所有方面,从基本定义到高级治理。 资源访问:获得独家未发表内容的访问权限,包括详细的案例研究和高级理论概念。 灵活学习:随时随地在多个设备上学习,终身访问课程材料。 社交机会:通过社区论坛和讨论版与同行和业内专业人士建立联系。

详细课程大纲: 第二部分:核心概念和定义 深入探讨 TOGAF 的基础概念,涵盖从基本术语到复杂结构如企业连续体和架构存储库的一切。

第三部分:架构开发方法(ADM) 掌握 ADM 循环,学习如何从项目启动到完成应用它,并了解在业务环境中管理和治理架构的细微差别。

第四部分:ADM 指南和工具 探讨 ADM 与支持指南和技术之间的关系,包括对架构原则、业务场景和风险管理的详细分析。

第五部分:在实际场景中应用 ADM 将您的知识应用于实际环境中,了解 ADM 阶段中的迭代、企业架构的开发以及数字转型的策略。

第六部分:架构治理 了解架构治理的关键方面,包括架构能力框架的建立、架构委员会的角色以及架构合同的创建和管理。

第七部分:架构内容框架 深入了解创建重要架构成果的方法,如架构定义文档、架构需求规范和架构路线图。

为什么选择这门课程? 在这门 TOGAF 9.2 全面培训课程中,您不仅将准备 TOGAF 认证,还将获得在您的组织中成功推动企业架构倡议所需的能力。本课程提供了理论知识和实践技能的完美结合,是希望在企业架构领域产生重大影响的专业人士的理想选择。

立即注册,开始您成为 TOGAF 认证企业架构师和企业运营转型领导者的旅程!

TOGAF 9.2 Comprehensive Training: Master Enterprise Archi

Published 5/2024
Created by Anand Mishra
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 47 Lectures ( 3h 47m ) | Size: 1.11 GB

Learn about the TOGAF 9.2 Standard and prepare for the certification Level 1 Foundation.

What you’ll learn:
Understanding TOGAF Standards and Frameworks
Proficiency in the Architecture Development Method (ADM)
Strategic Implementation of Enterprise Architecture
Preparation for TOGAF Certification
Governance and Management of Architectural Frameworks

Some experience solving problems at the enterprise level, although familiarity with TOGAF is not required

Welcome to TOGAF 9.2 Comprehensive Training, the definitive course for professionals aiming to excel in the field of enterprise architecture. Whether you’re seeking to pass the TOGAF certification exam or integrate TOGAF standards into your enterprise solutions, this course is designed to equip you with an in-depth understanding and practical skills that are essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.Key 资源特色 of the Course:Expert-Led Lectures: Learn from industry experts with real-world experience in enterprise architecture.Interactive and Engaging Content: High-quality videos, real-life case studies, and interactive quizzes to ensure a deep and engaging learning experience.Comprehensive Coverage: Extensive material covering all aspects of TOGAF 9.2, from basic definitions to advanced governance.Resource Access: Gain access to exclusive unpublished content, including detailed case studies and advanced theoretical concepts.Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace with lifetime access to course materials on multiple devices.Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and professionals in the field through community forums and discussion boards.Detailed Course Outline:Section 2: Core Concepts and DefinitionsDive deep into the foundational concepts of TOGAF, covering everything from basic terms to complex structures like the Enterprise Continuum and Architecture Repository.Section 3: The Architecture Development Method (ADM)Master the ADM cycle, learning how to apply it from project initiation to completion, and understand the nuances of managing and governing architecture within a business context.Section 4: ADM Guidelines and ToolsExplore the relationship between ADM and supporting guidelines and techniques, including detailed analysis of architecture principles, business scenarios, and risk management.Section 5: Applying the ADM in Real-World ScenariosApply your knowledge in practical settings, learning about the iteration in ADM phases, the development of an enterprise architecture, and strategies for digital transformation.Section 6: Architecture GovernanceUnderstand the crucial aspects of architecture governance, including the setup of an architecture capability framework, the role of architecture boards, and the creation and management of architecture contracts.Section 7: Architecture Content FrameworkGain insights into creating essential architecture deliverables such as Architecture Definition Documents, Architecture Requirements Specifications, and Architecture Roadmaps.Why Choose This Course? In this TOGAF 9.2 Comprehensive Training, you will not only prepare for the TOGAF certification but also gain the competence to drive enterprise architecture initiatives within your organization successfully. This course offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making it a perfect choice for professionals looking to make a significant impact in the field of enterprise architecture.Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a TOGAF certified enterprise architect and a leader in transforming enterprise operations!




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