
从基础到高级的Adobe Illustrator学习课程视频 (英文)

从基础到高级的Adobe Illustrator学习

发布日期:2024年5月 格式:MP4 | 视频:h264, 1920×1080 | 音频:AAC, 44.1 KHz 语言:英语 | 大小:1.21 GB | 时长:3小时1分钟

深入学习Adobe Illustrator CC,掌握脚本、工具栏、面板、菜单、透视、图形设计


  • 掌握Adobe Illustrator的基本概念,包括理解界面、工具和工作区组织
  • 学习使用钢笔工具、形状工具和曲率工具等各种绘图工具创建精确的矢量图形
  • 探索排版和文本处理技术,包括格式化、文本效果和创建文本轮廓
  • 理解色彩理论,学会有效使用颜色、渐变和色板来增强设计
  • 了解如何为艺术作品应用效果和滤镜,增加深度、质感和视觉趣味
  • 学习使用符号和图案来高效重复元素并创建复杂设计
  • 了解各种文件格式和导出、保存Illustrator项目的选项,以满足不同需求
  • 掌握高级提示、技巧和技术,以优化工作流程,提高Adobe Illustrator的生产效率
  • 在课程中通过实际项目应用所学概念,加强理解和技能
  • 访问为Adobe Illustrator量身定制的有价值脚本,自动化重复任务,提升工作效率


  • 本课程欢迎初学者和有经验的用户,使其对所有技能水平的人都可访问
  • 虽然不是必须,但事先对Adobe Illustrator界面有所了解将有助于更顺利地学习课程内容
  • 带着热情和学习的意愿,你将能够深入探索Adobe Illustrator的精彩世界!


通过我们的综合课程,充分发挥Adobe Illustrator CC的潜力,将你从初学者转变为熟练用户。无论你喜欢图形设计、渴望成为插画师,还是专业人士,希望提升技能,这门课程都非常适合你的需求。

通过这次沉浸式学习体验,你将探索Adobe Illustrator的基本方面。从基础到更高级的功能,你将熟悉一套广泛的工具、面板、菜单和功能。从基本知识开始,你将学习如何轻松导航界面并掌握创建形状、线条和曲线的关键技术。




  • 讲座1:Adobe Illustrator的基本功能和特性
  • 讲座2:界面工具、调色板和菜单的深入介绍
  • 讲座3:定制和个性化工作区的提示
  • 讲座4:Adobe Illustrator工具栏:必备工具和技术


  • 讲座5:绘制和编辑基本形状
  • 讲座6:使用钢笔工具进行自由手绘和编辑
  • 讲座7:路径编辑技术和快捷方式


  • 讲座8:关于颜色模型和色板的一般信息
  • 讲座9:对象填充和阴影技术
  • 讲座10:创建和格式化文本框
  • 讲座11:创建和使用矢量图案
  • 讲座12:透视工具


  • 讲座13:使用效果和滤镜增强对象
  • 讲座14:脚本


  • 讲座15:线条艺术


  • 讲座16:创建LOGO标志设计


  • 图形设计爱好者:深入设计的世界,释放你的创造力,使用Adobe Illustrator。
  • 插画师和艺术家:提升你的数字艺术技能,使你的插图生动而精确。
  • 有志成为设计专业人士的人:通过掌握Adobe Illustrator的基本工具和技术,迈出设计职业的第一步。
  • 无论你是业余爱好者还是专业人士,本课程都为你提供通过矢量艺术和图形设计表达自己的平台。
  • 扩展你的技能,并通过高级提示、技巧、脚本和工作流程保持领先。

立即报名,开始你的Adobe Illustrator掌握之旅,提升你的设计技能,释放你的创造力!


Learn Adobe Illustrator – From Basics To Advanced


Published 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 1.21 GB | Duration: 3h 1m

Learn Adobe Illustrator CC in-depth training with Scripts, Toolbars, Panels, Menus, Perspective, Graphic Design

What you’ll learn
Students will grasp the basic concepts of Adobe Illustrator, including understanding the interface, tools, and workspace organization
They will learn how to create precise vector graphics using various drawing tools such as the Pen tool, Shape tools, and the Curvature tool
Students will explore typography and text manipulation techniques, including formatting, text effects, and creating text outlines
They will understand color theory and how to effectively work with colors, gradients, and swatches to enhance their designs.
They will delve into applying effects and filters to their artwork to add depth, texture, and visual interest
They will explore how to use symbols and patterns to efficiently repeat elements and create intricate designs
Students will understand the various file formats and options for exporting and saving their Illustrator projects for different purposes
They will discover advanced tips, tricks, and techniques to streamline their workflow and enhance their productivity in Adobe Illustrator
Throughout the course, students will engage in hands-on projects that apply the concepts learned, reinforcing their understanding and skills
Students will have access to valuable scripts tailored for Adobe Illustrator, empowering them to automate repetitive tasks and enhance their workflow efficiency

This course welcomes beginners and seasoned users alike, making it accessible to all skill levels.
While not required, having some exposure to the Adobe Illustrator interface beforehand will help you navigate the course content more smoothly.
Bring your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, and you’ll be all set to dive into the exciting world of Adobe Illustrator!

Unlock the full potential of Adobe Illustrator CC with our comprehensive course designed to transform you from a beginner to a skilled user. Whether you enjoy graphic design, aspire to be an illustrator, or are a professional looking to enhance your skillset, this course is perfect for your needs.Through this immersive learning experience, you will explore the fundamental aspects of Adobe Illustrator. From the basics to the more advanced features, you will become familiar with the extensive set of tools, panels, menus, and functions. Starting with the essentials, you’ll learn how to effortlessly navigate the interface and master vital techniques for creating shapes, lines, and curves.As you progress, you’ll delve into the world of scripts to streamline your workflow, effectively utilize toolbars, and personalize panels to match your preferences. Immerse yourself in the realm of graphic design as you uncover valuable tips, tricks, and best practices for crafting remarkable vector artwork, logos, icons, and more. With practical projects and real-world examples, you’ll gain hands-on experience and develop the confidence to tackle design challenges with finesse. Whether you’re focused on print or web design, this course equips you with the skills and knowledge to bring your creative visions to life precisely and stylishly.By the end of this course, you’ll emerge as a proficient Adobe Illustrator user, ready to tackle projects of any size and complexity. Take your design skills to the next level and unleash your creativity with Adobe Illustrator. Enroll now and start your journey to mastery!

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Adobe Illustrator’ın basic features and functions

Lecture 2 In-depth introduction to the interface Tools, Palettes, and Menus

Lecture 3 Tips for customizing and personalizing your workspace

Lecture 4 Adobe Illustrator Toolbar: Essential Tools and Technique

Section 2: Drawing and Editing

Lecture 5 Drawing and editing basic shapes

Lecture 6 Freehand drawing and editing with the Pen tool

Lecture 7 Path Editing Techniques and Shortcuts

Section 3: Color Models and Color Palettes

Lecture 8 General information about color models and color palettes

Lecture 9 Object filling and shadow techniques

Lecture 10 Creating and formatting text boxes

Lecture 11 Creating and using vector patterns

Lecture 12 Perspective Tool

Section 4: Enhancing objects using effects and filters

Lecture 13 Enhancing objects using effects and filters

Lecture 14 Scripts

Section 5: Creating Line art Style

Lecture 15 Line Art

Section 6: Make a Logo Design

Lecture 16 Create a Logo Design

Graphic Design Enthusiasts: Dive into the world of design and unleash your creativity with Adobe Illustrator.,Illustrators and Artists: Elevate your digital artistry skills and bring your illustrations to life with precision and flair.,Aspiring Design Professionals: Take your first steps towards a career in design by mastering the essential tools and techniques of Adobe Illustrator.,Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, this course provides a platform to express yourself through vector artwork and graphic design.,Expand your skill set and stay ahead of the curve with advanced tips, tricks, scripts and workflows.




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